

Poh Lee

In less than 6 months, our Lazada revenue surpassed our offline brick and mortar sales revenue. We were a traditional brick-and-mortar business selling electronic goods


Ruby Cariso

“If I can do it, so can you.” A seller on Lazada for five years, Ruby started her store, Precious Cornerstone Shoppe, in 2017. She sells beauty products such


Teh Chun Kai

“In the process of making money, we are able to help others learn and build a community together through Lazada.” When we witness how the


Yui Lalilla

“I have the determination to succeed in this business.” In this day and age, opening a brick and mortar store comes with a lot of


Mayette Jequinto

“The number one requirement is having quality products” When I was first starting out, I was a one-woman team working from my home. It was


Nguyen Trong Tan

“Take advantage of the professional technology afforded to you.” I was a geology engineer in 2017 but I migrated over to open an online store


A Peerawat

“I am a seller who started from zero.” I am a seller who has already sold my products on different platforms. However, none were as



The satisfaction I get when I see my friends become successful with their Lazada shop is priceless.” My main motivation with being a Lazada seller


Poh Lee

In less than 6 months, our Lazada revenue surpassed our offline brick and mortar sales revenue. We were a traditional brick-and-mortar business selling electronic goods


Farica Yosafat

Lazada has helped my shop to be able to serve and helps Indonesian mothers, located all over Indonesia.” Lazada has helped my shop to be


Pudding Puthitorn

We find that Lazada has many tools that make it easier to post products including reaching customers is much more so we decided to focus


Godwin Goh Sin Huat

Being able to help other sellers succeed faster on Lazada brings me great satisfaction.” My name is Godwin and I have been helping my family


Thavachelvan Kesavan

We wake up every day knowing that we are building and working on our own business, that itself is our greatest motivation to give our maximum effort each day.